Tips & Resources for Musicians

Ron's Guitar Worksheets
This is a collection of worksheets for guitar instruction and for recording new songs and arrangements. You are welcome to use and share these worksheets.

Chord Worksheet Large - 20 large chord grids
suitable for guitar instruction.
Chord Worksheet Small - 48 small chord grids
suitable for creating dictionary pages.
Fretboard Worksheets - 8 12-fret guitar neck
diagrams suitable for instruction.
Music Worksheet no Tab - 8 lines of standard 5-line
music notation with a treble clef on the first line.
Song Worksheet, First Page - has 8 shall chord grids at the
top and 3 lines of standard 5-line notation and matching TAB lines.
Song Worksheet, Additional Pages - has 4 lines of standard
5-line notation and matching TAB lines.
All Worksheets - contains all 6 worksheets in one package.