Listen to Ron's Music

This page is intended for the listening pleasure of Ron's family, friends, and potential clients. This is not a public distribution web page. The material on this page may be covered by multiple copyrights. None of the music on this page is for sale.

Albums Index

Guitar Solos Volume I

Guitar Solos Volume II

Multi-Track Recordings


Piano and Vocal


Valence Electron Band

Swing Shift - Live Recordings

Guitar Solos Volume I

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1A Day in the Life of a Fool2:13  270Arrangement by: Ray Davis
2Somewhere My Love2:46  366
3Spanish Fandango2:04  347
4Yesterday2:10  308
5All the Things You Are2:09  323Arrangement by: Ray Davis
6Mr Bojangles3:45  178
7America the Beautiful1:17  125
8Happy Birthday0:27  121
9Wildwood Flower0:48  163
10No Words Yet3:14  94Written by Ron Hackett
11Estralita3:27  89
Photography by: Chip Talbert
Guitar Solos Volume II

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1Greensleeves2:27  318
2Hawaiian Wedding Song1:48  149
3Michelle2:18  134
4Just As I Am1:57  254
5Lagrima2:13  289
6Petite Waltz2:05  266Arrangement by: Ray Davis
7Romance de Amore2:41  278
8Patriotic Medley3:18  88
9The Power of Your Love3:43  104
10La Paloma2:45  105
Photography by: Chip Talbert
Multi-Track Recordings

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1Sweet Georgia Brown1:49  281
2Walk Don't Run1:45  261
3Improvising in G Minor3:16  266Jamming with a Digitech JamMan looper
4Grovin' in A Major3:08  130Jamming with a Digitech JamMan looper
5Just a Closer Walk with Thee2:08  276
6Take My Hand Precious Lord2:03  280
7Here I am to Worship2:39  243
8Indiana2:01  264
9Puff the Magic Dragon3:45  278Three guitar tracks
Artwork by: Ron Hackett

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1Puff the Magic Dragons (vocals)3:44  106Singers Ron and Candace Hackett
2Caledonia4:33  144Singer: Candace Hackett, String band: Ron Hackett
3Song of Love4:00  77Singer: Candace Hackett
4Little Things2:22  91Singer: Candace Hackett, Songwriter: Greg Mitchell
5That's a Love Song that I want to Sing3:14  74Singer: Candace Hackett, Songwriter: Greg Mitchell
6The Power of Your Love with Chris Counts4:06  98Come back performance by Chris Counts after losing his voice for 8 months
7Memories of You3:00  19Makina Heufner from Tokyo, Japan on clarinet
Photography by: Beth Kelly
Piano and Vocal

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1Elmer and the Bear2:53  137Ron Hackett, guitar and vocal
2Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season3:28  134Ron Hackett, guitar and vocal
3Untitled Melody1:40  135Written by L. E. Rumbaugh
Artwork by: Ron Hackett

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1What Child Is This?2:13  583Singer: Candace Hackett
2White Christmas2:21  340
3Winter Wonderland1:58  370
4Silent Night1:37  262
5Adeste Fideles1:40  277
6Jingle Bell Rock2:10  298
Artwork by: Ron Hackett
Valence Electron Band

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1Triste3:44  165By Antonio Jobim
Artwork by: Ron Hackett
Swing Shift - Live Recordings

album cover
Num Title Time Plays Notes
1A Train5:23  144
2All Blues7:03  160
3As You Like7:17  89
4Autumn Leaves6:59  64
5Black Orpheus7:05  39
6Blue Monk5:44  38
7Take Five5:03  55
Recorded live on April 11, 2018 using only a single ambient microphone. Each song was only played once. There was not attempt to create a studio grade recording. We were just having fun.

Tim Bolton, Piano
Ron Hackett, guitar
Jace Seaver, bass
Jim Cappellino, drums

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Last updated: 03/27/2025 11:01:23

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Ron Hackett Music
All rights reserved.

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Hackett Information Systems Engineering

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