Bands and Collaborations

While Ron does a lot of solo guitar shows, he also participates in a number of bands within the Tennessee Valley, and he runs a performing arts show and open mic for The Arts Center in Fayetteville, Tennessee.
Since the 1970's, the South Jackson Street Band has been bringing big band music to middle Tennessee. Whether you like to dance, or just sit back and listen, we're always happy to entertain you with jazz, swing, latin, waltz, and other great styles from the 1930's to today.
We started jamming together for fun. Then an opportunity to perform came along, and we formed a band. From left: Tim Bolton on keyboard, Jace Seaver on bass, Jim Cappellino on drums, and Ron Hackett on guitar. Two members have moved away, so we don't jam together anymore.
Singer/Songwriter Greg Mitchell and jazz guitarist Ron Hackett have known each other since 2000 when they worked together at the Missile and Space Intelligence Center (MSIC), but the didn't discover their mutual love for music and performing until just a few year ago. They started performing together in 2012 doing songwriter shows in Huntsville, Nashville, and the surrounding area. They perform Greg's original songs, an occasional cover song, and Ron plays some of his jazz guitar solos. Greg has retired from songwriting to spend time with his family.
Ron played with this band from 2010 to 2020. From the left is Ron Hackett, Travis Leimer, City Criss Counts, Jeff Barnes, and Country Chris Counts.

The band (from left):Marshall Trembley, Morris Hamby III, Ron Hackett, Erik Petersen, and Jerry Fox played three different country music shows at the South Jackson Civic Center in August 2018.
Ron played in the Mel Deal Guitar Ensemble at the
Nashville Jazz Workshop. The ensemble included 4-5 guitars, bass, and drums. Performances were held in the Jazz Cave at the Jazz Workshop.
Ron Hackett, Taylor Hoch, and Robert Foster hosted a combined writers night, musicians jam, and open mic in the gallery of the Lincoln County Arts Center at 303 Main Avenue South in Fayetteville. This weekly event was open to all and was held on the first and third Saturday of each month from October through June. Local musicians, song writers, singers, poets, dramatists, and comedians were all encouraged to come and participate. Everyone enjoyed a relaxed encouraging environment in which to perform and make connections with other local artists. The shows ended after 5 seasons in 2019.
South Jackson Street Band

Swing Shift Jazz Jam Band

Two Old Men

First Baptist Church Praise Band

At First Baptist we sing new songs and great old songs of the faith. These songs are prayerfully presented, believing each song will equip God's people to worship Him in spirit and in truth. It does not matter if it is traditional hymns or songs by modern composers, God's hand and Spirit are in our worship. May God be glorified!
South Jackson Goes Country 2018

The band (from left):Marshall Trembley, Morris Hamby III, Ron Hackett, Erik Petersen, and Jerry Fox played three different country music shows at the South Jackson Civic Center in August 2018.
Nashville Jazz Workshop

The Arts Center Performing Arts Shows